Mastectomy Must Knows – Products That Can Help

Facing an upcoming mastectomy is difficult for so many reasons. We understand the delicate nature of this procedure + have specific products and services for you to help guide and offer independence and comfort. We sat down with our resident R.N. and certified mastectomy fitter, Wendy Jackson, to give more insight on mastectomy items needed, what to expect and more. 

Q: What products are helpful to have post op?
A: Like with any major surgery, you will want to limit bending and raising your arms. Items that we suggest having at home are a reacher, long handle sponge for the shower, lotion applicator is nice for lotion or medication application. A long handle shoe horn or sock aid so you eliminate the need to bend down. Also a wedge pillow to stay propped up while healing in bed. We also have a post mastectomy camisole that has pockets for drains. 

Q: What wound care do you carry and what do I need?
A: We always defer to what specifically what your doctor recommends. In general we have gause, bandages, tegaderm to cover incisions, waterproof bandages to shower, foam dressings and others can be ordered with prescription or as the doctor requests.  

Q: What is a mastectomy fitting?
A: A mastectomy fitting is a scheduled appointment with a certified fitter to be measured for a breast prosthesis and bra. This takes place approximately 6-12 weeks post op, when the wound is mostly healed and swelling is down. The prosthesis would be sized based on your personal measurements and a mastectomy bra has a pocket that fits the prosthetic breast form. 

Q: What should you expect during a fitting appointment?
A: We ask our customers to come to their appointment wearing a loose fitting top. You’ll be fitted in a private room with mirrors, it can take about 20-30 minutes. The fitter will measure for the right size, then have the patient try on options for the best fit. There are various styles to look at. Often you can expect to leave with your items, but certain styles/colors may need to be ordered. For insurance, Medicare generally pays for 4 bras every year, and 1 prosthetic every other year. Prescription is required to bill insurance. 

Q: What if a customer has questions?
A: Call or email Wendy directly at Wendy@jacksonmedicalsupply. If you’re interested prior to surgery, we can do a pre-surgery appointment to walk through the next steps, she has been a certified fitter for over 20 years.

We are here to help you find the best option for you – call or visit us to find our more today.

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

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